"Creative learning at its best" 
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“Some journeys take us far from home. Some lead us to our destiny.” C.S.Lewis 
With creative ideas popping in our minds, we were really excited for the theme of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe this week with the children of Moat Farm Primary School. So, after the first Arts Award session of discovering all the other forms of Art we sometimes don’t realize, we set straight to work on creating with the students in our four Arts departments. 
Drama students began by looking at evacuation, and why the Pevensie children had to leave London, creating stories around the journey and whom they were staying with. In Dance, the children looked at the relationships between characters in the story and using the battle between the White Witch and Aslan to create sequences of movement. Musicians wrote their lyrics by making rhyming couplets and penning a catchy chorus, which we all sang all weekend, as we couldn’t get it out of our heads! In Art, we were treated to some beautiful Lion portraits in pastel and oil pastel with charcoal, a huge piece of Big Art, showing a 3D lamppost and trees made with cut out hand shapes and Brusho. Magical wardrobes with doors which opened up to reveal a myriad of watercolour, magical lands the children dreamed up, and Art Mache mythical creatures were just some of the beautiful pieces of work which the artists created in Art. 
There were Night Walks, plenty of fresh air, with the children being taken out at every possible chance to play parachute games, football and exploring the grounds with their visiting staff, a cinema night watching The Chronicles of Narnia, a Games Night, and of course, a Disco for the last night before the children spent their last night in their dormitories. 
We are often proud of the children’s achievements through the week, but sometimes their coping mechanisms and the way they adapt to different places amazes us. The children from Moat Farm didn’t cease to surprise us with their increasing independence, resilience and creativity. 
Sometimes, “to defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness in yourself” and this week, the children and Staff did that in bucket-loads. 
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